Category: World Trade Center
People Falling from the World Trade Center
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World Trade Center attack,collapse 9/11
A New York-i világkereskedelmi központ elleni terrorista támadás 2001.szeptember 11.-én.
World Trade Center. 3 Months before the attacks.
Some beautiful footage i took while at the World Trade Center in May 2001. I’ve uploaded some before and now I’ve added some more clips i left out on my last…
World Trade Center – Technology Documentary
The World Trade Center (WTC) was a complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York City that were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attac…
World Trade Center hub finally re-opens
West concourse opens under WTC.
World Trade Center – beautiful building
The original World Trade Center was a complex of seven buildings featuring landmark twin towers in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States. The complex…
Strange Sounds Coming From 1 World Trade Center, And Elsewhere…
Ever since Hurricane Sandy people have been describing a chorus of wailing sounds coming from the new 1 World Trade Center Building. What is most likely wind…
Einsturz des World Trade Center
Die Zwillingstürme des World Trade Center stürzte am 11. September 2001, als Folge der Anschläge vom 11. September , in denen Terroristen mit Al-Kaida verbun…
New Shopping Mall Westfield World Trade Center [HD]
Westfield World Trade Center by Santiago Calatrava Area: 500000 sq. feet Estimated cost: $612.5 million, Estimated completion: March 2015 The future Mall at…