Category: World Trade Center

Powered by – One World Trade Center (also 1 World Trade Center or 1 WTC, formerly the Freedom Tower) is the primary building of the …

One World Trade Center is now America’s tallest building. For roughly 12 years, crews in New York City have been working to replace the original World Trade …

The New ONE World order…Oop’s!… -I mean The ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER is Finished! It has been crowned with a Spiral! This will make it’s height exactly 177…

PROOF THAT THE ILLUMINATI PLANNED TO ATTACK ON 9/11. September 11 2001 World Trade Center NWO.

Shot from the 12th floor of the Millennium Hilton in January 2014. Perfect angle for a close but tight aerial view of the entire site.

Onze ans après les attentats du 11 septembre, la construction du plus grand gratte-ciel de New York est presque finalisée. Le futur complexe sera livré dans …

Super Skyscrapers — One World Trade Center (Season 1, Episode 1)

Pedestrians in Manhattan were re-routed due to safety concerns from falling ice chunks off 1 World Trade Center. Icy conditions can be hazardous everywhere, …