Category: World Trade Center Four men – three daredevils and someone accused of being an accomplice _ have released footage of themselves leaping off o…

Four skydivers who staged a controversial jump from the Freedom Tower, One World Trade Center, on September 30, have been arrested. Andrew Rossig, James Brad…

Watch as these guys jump off One World Trade Center in a video released three years after the jump. If this doesn’t make your stomach turn, you’re a braver…

NYC Freedom Tower B.A.S.E. Jump ORGINAL VERSION GO CHECK IT OUT FULL three daredevils and someone accused of bein…

Justin Casquejo decided he wanted to climb to the top of the Freedom Tower in NYC. So he did. What does this say about security at the World Trade Center? So…

A 16-year-old New Jersey boy was arrested for criminal trespass after breaking into the construction site of 1 World Trade Center and climbing up to the top …

As dozens of construction workers perched atop One World Trade Center looked on and and applauded the historic milestone, crews installed the final two secti…