Category: Building 7

Over an hour before the WTC 7 demolition at approximately 4:13 pm on September 11th, 2001 Aaron Brown reports – “Building 7, in the WTC complex, is on fire a…

This video was BANNED on Google Video!! Hired agents everywhere are desperately trying to stop this video from spreading on the internet!! Keywords: 911 9-11…

9/11 Truth – What Happened to Building 7 …….. – Building 7 ” THE UNDENIABLE TRUTH ” The government and the media have lied to you …… about the events…

WTC Building 7 is without argument the smoking gun in the 9/11 official story. This clip is taken from the documentary, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Tru…

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Full Nov 23, 2010 Interview Judge Napolitano posed with the same 9/11 Building Seven question he had earlier asked Geraldo Rivera. “…

This video focus is on the collapse of WTC building 7, a less widely publicized event that remains unexplained to this day. Even the official government inve… Thanks from Blakhatz 4 live …