Alex Jones sits down with the founder of The Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson and provides him with a hard hitting crash course in the lies surrounding the Septe…
Category: Building 7
Amazing Technology – 9/11: Why the WTC7 Building Collapsed
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted an extensive three-year scientific and technical investigation of the Sept. 11, 2001, col…
Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airl…
Wikipedia Gets it Right on the Collapse of Building 7
WTC7 in Freefall–No Longer Controversial
Visit where you will find over 1000 Architects & Engineers demanding a real investigation into the events of 9/11 and the demolition of 3 skys…
9/11 Building 7 Close Up
2 Close up shots of the collapse of wtc building 7 on 9/11. The first shows the rooftop penthouse collapsing a split second before the rest of the building a…
Initiative Could Force Investigation of WTC Building 7 November 4, 2014 ballot
Ballot Initiative Process New York Municipal Home Rule law allows for voters in New York State to amend their city charters through a ballot initiative proce…
911 – WTC7 Building 7 brought down by CONTROLLED DEMOLITION – 2012
911 – WTC7 Building 7 brought down by CONTROLLED DEMOLITION – 2012 Courtesy: WakeUpAmericaProductions YouTube4409 FAIR USE NOTICE: Yo…
Building 7 – NIST Finally Admits Freefall – Part III (10 min)
High school physics teacher David Chandler explains how he brought the National Institute of Standards and Technology to acknowledge that World Trade Center …
Biological, Chemical Poisoning & Geraldo Rivera’s Coverage of Building 7 – Alex Jones Tv 2/5
On today’s show, Alex talks about Geraldo Rivera’s coverage of the BuildingWhat ad campaign and the Fox News anchor’s willingness to put credence in the rese…