Ben Swann Reality Check Special: Talking Federal Reserve, Jekyll Island, Audit The Fed, QE3

Nov. 9th This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational…

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23 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. holy shit. I also heard rumors about how the federal reserve gave money to
    German international bankers, which is said to have funded Hitler according
    to Rep. Louis McFadden.

  2. The more I learn the more I shake my head. I no longer get mad, it is
    laughable how ignorant and gullible we are. It's meant to be. Let me ask –
    Do y'all think we are fighting against flesh & blood here?? Look at the
    bigger picture, look at the magnitude of how it's working- look at how
    structured this is- look at how it is being marketed in all facets & just
    imagine what you still don't know and may not ever know – open your mind to
    all possibilities because once you stop – you stop learning!

  3. Ben Swann, forever one of the most honest and concise news reporters of all
    time. You're always on the air in my heart Ben.

  4. PistolPackingPatriot · Edit

    EMERGENCY BROADCAST to all Americans. Well, as soon as they're finished
    wondering about what color smoke is coming from the chimney on the Easter
    Bunny's castle.

  5. buy stuff you can re sell or gold incase we print new dept free money or
    fed makes another dollar. at this rate hyperinflation is coming. don't look
    that up you will shit you're self .lol.

  6. All Americans bend over, Bernanke has a salami that goes to infinity. Ben
    tells only part of it, there is also the FED giving the US Government $45
    billion a month for deficit spending. No one wants the US treasuries any
    more. This is the beginning of the end of the US economy as we know it.


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