September 2015 – Pope – Planet X – CERN

September 2015 The Shemitah ends on the 23rd of September 2015 is the Convergence. Have you heard about the several global catastrophes that are supposedly going to happen this fall? Have you heard about Jade Helm? Or C.E.R.N? Why is the Pope making a historic appearance to the U.S. Capitol to address Congress in September?…

Governor of California Mandatory Vaccinations Law

California Mandatory Vaccinations Law California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) on Tuesday signed a strict new vaccination law, eliminating exemptions for people citing personal beliefs. The move follows an at-times fierce debate over mandatory vaccinations and parents choosing not to vaccinate their children, in California and around the country. The issue briefly entered the presidential race…

Robin Williams Illuminati Rumors Arise After ‘Family Guy’ Suicide Episode

Interesting…. From an article in The International Business Times: “Some people believe Robin Williams was an Illuminati sacrifice after an episode of “Family Guy” aired eerily close to the time the actor committed suicide. Even though it was the main character Peter…

US Soldier Exposes USA FEMA Camps – MUST WATCH VIDEO

FEMA Camps are art of the NWO plan…Follow the White Rabbit! This video was originally posted in 2013 by YouTube user Deadmau5hau5 ( link ).  It’s fascinating to hear his experiences working for the United States Marines.  In the video, he strips his army medals from his clothing and throws them….

Katy Perry says ‘I want to join the Illuminati’

Katy Perry The Illuminati goes deeper than you may realize. Follow the White Rabbit… In an article from The Independent: “Katy Perry has expressed her desires to join the Illuminati.  Not for any dark or sinister reason, however, but because she finds the idea of joining the cult “exciting”. Of course, the singer has been…

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds “fused” while no one was looking

Lord Jacob Rothschild on the left, David Rockefeller to the right Finally revealed by Vanity Fair and unbeknownst to everyone aside from insiders, the Rockefeller family and Rothschild family have merged as part of a secretive 2012 deal. The Rockefellers…

9-11 Coincidences

9-11 Coincidences is a detailed overview of the areas of evidence surrounding the events of September 11th, and the way that these observations clash with the official story. This presentation is not partisan, sensationalist or a means for presenting an alternative explanatory theory.

Mark of the Beast

Mark of the Beast – Many are familiar with the passage in Rev. 13:16-17- “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and that no one may buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the…

The Evils of Central Banking

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” -Henry Kissinger (served under 4 US government administrations) “Follow the Money” The Rothschild owned Bank of International Settlements is the international Federal Reserve (or the Federal Reserves of all Federal Reserves) otherwise…