Jekyll Island…. The island where a bunch of greedy rich men copulated together back in 1910 and formed the fetus of the Federal Reserve System. A demon child that has since turned into a Monster.
Awesome!!! I already knew that but went and read some just now. THEY SCREWED US by taking that from us!!!!
Everybody that reads this has a DUTY to google Fully Informed Jury Association and read it ALL. If you are a citizen, republican and democrate alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in butte co. in northern cali. A women was at the court house outside trying to tell people about the fully informed jury and was arrested for jury tampering some time in the late 90’s.
A fully informed jury has more power than the president, congress, and the supreme court because the jury gets to deside if the law is valid as well as judging the facts of the case which is what the founding fathers wanted!!!!
The power with the people!!!!!!
You Rock, Adam. Please google Fully Informed Jury Association, and read everything there. I also strongly recommend that you pick up a copy of "Molon Labe" by Boston T. Party, and a copy of "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. Two excellent books on allocating our strengths strategically where they can do the most good.
I would be more than happy to enage you on the subject matter. If you don't believe that he is "inspired" or that he doesn't believe what he is saying then I would urge you to watch his speech on youtube "the revolution march". Simply search for his name (Adam Kokesh) and watch the video with the most views; over 65,000 at this point.
Yeah I know, you dope!!!!!!!!
So are you the youtube spelling terminator or what ???
Flippin heck…..get a life!!!!!
or perhaps you could find someone that has a life and mimic theirs……………
what a wally!!!!!!!!!!
Hell Yeah! Thank you for your service, Sarge! Hopefully, you can serve my country more from Washington! I'm in NC, but it is good to see an actual Patriot fighting our domestic enemies in D.C.! GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES!
You didn't form a correct sentance according to the rules of english grammar. I ask myself, do I care ?
No in this instance I don't.
Why not try to engage me on the subject matter, Oh! wait perhaps your mission in life is to trall the internet looking for mis-spelt words ( good luck with that )
This member of WeAreChangeChicago wishes you the best of luck and success for your running for office. My love goes out to you and your Brothers and Sisters over seas and at home, active and nonactive veterans not only, my love goes out to all members of Oath Keepers as well all members of Iraq Veterans Against The War!
I'm sorry guys, when I listened to this speach. I thought to myself , he doesn't sound like he believes one word of what he is saying/reading……..
sorry thats just the way it sounded to me…
5 stars to you Adam!! and thanks for posting this video. P.S. Don't forget you have friends and support from Oxford Mississippi's "UMconstitutionalist" We can't wait to have you back, to speak at some of our event's.
I will except that answer for now. You have my verbal support and maybe I can help with phone calls, but as far as money, it depends on what party you run under. (not that we are talking about that much money anyways)
Being in Texas I can't do all that much.
Sorry I missed you when you were in town (DFW area), but I am in the Pizza Business and the Weekends are when I am busy with the store.
The front row there is Clyde Cleveland, (Common Sense Revisited) Bob Shulz of We The People, Rob Gray of American Open Currency Standard, Michael Badnarik, G Edward Griffin, and Catherine Albrecht.
Jekyll Island…. The island where a bunch of greedy rich men copulated together back in 1910 and formed the fetus of the Federal Reserve System. A demon child that has since turned into a Monster.
If there was work there I'd move just to be able to vote for you!!!!!!
Awesome!!! I already knew that but went and read some just now. THEY SCREWED US by taking that from us!!!!
Everybody that reads this has a DUTY to google Fully Informed Jury Association and read it ALL. If you are a citizen, republican and democrate alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I live in butte co. in northern cali. A women was at the court house outside trying to tell people about the fully informed jury and was arrested for jury tampering some time in the late 90’s.
A fully informed jury has more power than the president, congress, and the supreme court because the jury gets to deside if the law is valid as well as judging the facts of the case which is what the founding fathers wanted!!!!
The power with the people!!!!!!
You Rock, Adam. Please google Fully Informed Jury Association, and read everything there. I also strongly recommend that you pick up a copy of "Molon Labe" by Boston T. Party, and a copy of "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. Two excellent books on allocating our strengths strategically where they can do the most good.
I would be more than happy to enage you on the subject matter. If you don't believe that he is "inspired" or that he doesn't believe what he is saying then I would urge you to watch his speech on youtube "the revolution march". Simply search for his name (Adam Kokesh) and watch the video with the most views; over 65,000 at this point.
Yeah I know, you dope!!!!!!!!
So are you the youtube spelling terminator or what ???
Flippin heck…..get a life!!!!!
or perhaps you could find someone that has a life and mimic theirs……………
what a wally!!!!!!!!!!
…you spelled sentence wrong.
Hell Yeah! Thank you for your service, Sarge! Hopefully, you can serve my country more from Washington! I'm in NC, but it is good to see an actual Patriot fighting our domestic enemies in D.C.! GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES!
You didn't form a correct sentance according to the rules of english grammar. I ask myself, do I care ?
No in this instance I don't.
Why not try to engage me on the subject matter, Oh! wait perhaps your mission in life is to trall the internet looking for mis-spelt words ( good luck with that )
…you spelled speech wrong.
This member of WeAreChangeChicago wishes you the best of luck and success for your running for office. My love goes out to you and your Brothers and Sisters over seas and at home, active and nonactive veterans not only, my love goes out to all members of Oath Keepers as well all members of Iraq Veterans Against The War!
I'm sorry guys, when I listened to this speach. I thought to myself , he doesn't sound like he believes one word of what he is saying/reading……..
sorry thats just the way it sounded to me…
Nice speech! Kick Ben Lujan's ass! Maybe run on the Democrat ticket and beat him in the primary!
5 stars to you Adam!! and thanks for posting this video. P.S. Don't forget you have friends and support from Oxford Mississippi's "UMconstitutionalist" We can't wait to have you back, to speak at some of our event's.
YEAH that he has mentioned and given credit to WOMEN…that is SOOOO awesome.
I always admire someone who walks his talk. Adam does this and will continue to do it and for this I wish you ,Adam, the very best!
God bless you Adam.
I will except that answer for now. You have my verbal support and maybe I can help with phone calls, but as far as money, it depends on what party you run under. (not that we are talking about that much money anyways)
Being in Texas I can't do all that much.
Sorry I missed you when you were in town (DFW area), but I am in the Pizza Business and the Weekends are when I am busy with the store.
Or a Democrat? It's a very good question. For now, the answer is simple. I will be running to win. 😉
Which is exactly why I am asking.
Why does it matter?
Parties are for people who send their money and cast their vote without thinking.
Kokesh will be a household name w/in 5 years, hopefully sooner.
Adam, are you running as a Republican or a Libertarian???
I have been trying to figure that out and no one seems to know.
Clyde Cleveland, any relation to Grover Cleveland, one of the greatest, fairest and most just Presidents this country has had in the last century? 🙂
Thanks Adam, for everything, sir! You're an inspiration.
The front row there is Clyde Cleveland, (Common Sense Revisited) Bob Shulz of We The People, Rob Gray of American Open Currency Standard, Michael Badnarik, G Edward Griffin, and Catherine Albrecht.
Adam Kokesh for Congress! Kudos to all of you who met at Jekyll Island to undo the crimes enacted by the Federal Reserve!
Is that Ed Griffin over on the far right side of the dais?
Uh oh—Someone else who took his oath seriously.
Congress, look out. 🙂
good job.
You rock.