G. Edward Griffin is an American film producer, author, and political lecturer. He is perhaps best known as the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, a …
No public and private partnership with the Federal Reserve exists. Outside the Fed, no one knows what the Fed does or what it owns. The U.S. Congress cannot audit the Federal Reserve. The Congress only has the power to end the Fed. We need to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913! Let us have a real free market economy with real money. Our money has no store of value. The banker-ganisters that create the money get the first and best us of it, before inflation is known.
The current financial crisis and the erosion of of the Constitution is no accident.
The luciferian elite have planned the collapse of the US and European systems long ago. Once they destroy the middle class and create a slave class (just like in China), the sheeple will be totally controlled. Hitler's 1000 year reich is live and well and soon the globalist cabal will have total control to roll out their NWO plans.
Read the Georgia Guide Stones and UN Agenda 21.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10
The totalitarism of capitalism (privite) or socialism (public capitalism) will continue to result is slave society as long the nature of people remains the same. The overwhelming majority of the people will as they have always done; choose privilage before freedom. The ego of the 'human' has always considered it's self separate from the fate of others; let us be slaves as long as I am a special, privilaged slave.
Mr Griffing doesn't seem to notice the difference between the noble metals, gold and silver, as defined by weight under the constitution and the paper currency of the international banksters 'Federal Reserve Notes'. These notes are not the currency of the US Treasury; the US Treasury is possibly the only Treasury in the world with out a currency.
No public and private partnership with the Federal Reserve exists. Outside the Fed, no one knows what the Fed does or what it owns. The U.S. Congress cannot audit the Federal Reserve. The Congress only has the power to end the Fed. We need to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913! Let us have a real free market economy with real money. Our money has no store of value. The banker-ganisters that create the money get the first and best us of it, before inflation is known.
"Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool."
– Mark Twain.
The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God," Psalm 53:1
It's spelled Master. You'll always be a slave if you refuse to learn how to spell. Ironically, you can't even spell master. Think about it.
Hey! There's only 1 s in 'master'… lol
Yes, Masster…
Also, learn to smile buddy. Life ain't all bad.
Help how?
It might help if you learned how to spell privilege.
The current financial crisis and the erosion of of the Constitution is no accident.
The luciferian elite have planned the collapse of the US and European systems long ago. Once they destroy the middle class and create a slave class (just like in China), the sheeple will be totally controlled. Hitler's 1000 year reich is live and well and soon the globalist cabal will have total control to roll out their NWO plans.
Read the Georgia Guide Stones and UN Agenda 21.
Great, just what we need. Bullshit quotes from the Bible. Thanks anyway.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10
The totalitarism of capitalism (privite) or socialism (public capitalism) will continue to result is slave society as long the nature of people remains the same. The overwhelming majority of the people will as they have always done; choose privilage before freedom. The ego of the 'human' has always considered it's self separate from the fate of others; let us be slaves as long as I am a special, privilaged slave.
Mr Griffing doesn't seem to notice the difference between the noble metals, gold and silver, as defined by weight under the constitution and the paper currency of the international banksters 'Federal Reserve Notes'. These notes are not the currency of the US Treasury; the US Treasury is possibly the only Treasury in the world with out a currency.