Federal Reserve confirmed they will go Cyprus if needed, David Morgan Interview 4-20-13

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  1. been following silver since 2001 bought alot at 9 dollars actuall 14 with the excess fee like going on now sold 500 ounces at 45 dollars have rebought 300 ounces when it dropped to 22.92 minutes after 10% crash , before thge dealears corrected the fee for the rush on silver that happened later in morning got 300 bison coins from kitco at under 26 $ all these silver pushers are just that they know squat, they want you to buy physical to hopefully get a spike to get out . $50 silver in future max.

  2. Texas was soooo stupid – trustees went out on limb buying gold but did compromise with their high priced money managers to buy paper gold. That WAS NOT a compromise! It was a present on a silver (gold) platter to the Wall Street criminals. Of which the TX oney managers/consultants call Wall Street their home. How much of the billion ounces did they receive for selling out TX? TX nor Germany nor any entity who does not have metals in their possession will EVER see1ounce. Fool born every second

  3. Yea, and with less than 1 billion oz of silver, a free market would make silver 7x the price of gold. Wouldn't it be amazing if the whole world realized silver is 7x more rare above ground right now than gold is? Could you imagine the realization of this notion in the market place and wake up one day to see silver at $9,800/oz at current market prices with gold at $1400? It will happen. One day, not soon, but one day, it will happen.

  4. It's not the same thing to the vast majority of people who accept inflation without understanding what it is. Directly removing the dollars from your account is something even the idiots may get upset about.

  5. That would be suicide for them. If them or the government wanted to take our money, there would be a revolt. I totally agree with you for that reason.

  6. paper price will keep going down sell out now. real bullion is going up to its free market price/BJF is right all the silver bashers hate him because he is right

  7. if gold is looking to go to 50k an oz its defo wise to save up for 10 oz per human who ever can get there hands on it lol only 7 billion oz and 7 billion humans on earth see my drift

  8. ….also, if the size of the failure get's too large, the Federal Reserve will simply devalue the dollar. They already said they would do so. This will happen before they rob Americans. A simple 40% devaluation would be HUGE in this economy. There is nothing to stop the FED from devaluing the dollar up to 60%, 70%, or even 80%.

  9. Cyprus didn't have the luxury of printing all the cash they needed. Cyprus does not have it's own central bank, they are controlled by the ECB, Sooooooo, why would the U.S. Federal Reserve cut it's own throat by denying a U.S. Bank access to free money when it has been doing so very liberally for the last 5 years? I think the FED will just buy banking stocks (like they did in 08) or continue to give the banks cash. They wont' take depositor's money in the U.S. It's different here……

  10. If a failure happens anywhere except the crimex short gold and silver and you will do well. Why? Cyprus. 2008 Banking crisis. They can't have Gold and silver show what time it is.

  11. If you go to the bank and buy silver certificate you are creditor for the bank. The bank owes you silver but does not need to have it.


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