TDV: Jeff Berwick on Fox Exposing the Federal Reserve and Defending Bitcoin

The Dollar Vigilante, Jeff Berwick, on Fox Exposing Federal Reserve and Illuminati Symbolism on the US Dollar and Defending Bitcoin. Original video from FOX …

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  1. Good point. Varney can't even imagine anything not run by a single man with a beard behind a curtain. He's never known anything different in his life. He can't remember when gold was money. Who was behind gold? Nobody. Who's behind BC? Nobody. He can't understand it.

  2. Varney is showing his ignorance. He's using the Fed as an example of why you should trust the dollar? That the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

  3. Benjamin Hernandez · Edit

    But he has to keep up the Fox News image of knowing everything and interrupting you, just like your grandfather does at thanksgiving time!

  4. What a moron Bitcoin isn't like paypal it isn't just one entity behind the software. This guy is so old he can't even grasp the ideas of p2p and open source software.

  5. Jeff – "Well do you know who owns the fed?" Host – "uhh well, uhh central banks do…right?" Excellent job Jeff, probably one of the hardest places to keep your cool and you did great

  6. Go Jeff! You need to get bitcoinatm running soon so the TV stations can get footage of it working in a public place. This will really put you on the map.

  7. That guy was not only rude, but a complete asshole. He continually interrupted you Jeff, didn't mum tell him it is rude to interrupt while someone is talking!?!

  8. I'm guessing bitcoin will probably go back down to $50 by the weekend, after that who knows, maybe $30 I'm hoping, then it's a buy again for me 🙂

  9. sorry here is more information on how to find that vid, again would love to hear your response. Of course I cant list a web address but
    Its called Anarcho-Capitalism why its broken & how to fix it by Storm Clouds Gathering

  10. Jeff I really respect you and your views. I am very interested in hearing your response to Stormcloudsgathering video regarding his criticisms of anarchocapitalism. His arguments seem sound but I'd appreciate your respose. thanks.

  11. Ya, a federal Reserve Note you moron! Paid off puppet door knob.. Duhhh, what is a federal reserve note? I felt bad for Jeff Berwick ,.. Jeff…you did a fine job!! talking with that moron.


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