The Federal Reserve May Pop Stock Market Bubble SOON. By Gregory Mannarino

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  1. Enlightened Patriot · Edit

    Thanks for your insight Greg. Great work, please keep it up. I am a
    lightweight at understanding the working of the Worlds’ financial system
    (although I am currently reading `The Creature of Jekyll Island’ following
    `The Silver Bomb’ to help me) and don’t do stocks/shares but I do realise
    it is a scam, a Ponzi, debt-based fiat system which I believe will come
    crashing down in the near future and I am doing my best to prepare for
    that. I am accumulating several months supply of food and other essentials
    and have invested 25% of our (retirement) life savings into P.M,s – 50/50
    gold/silver. I have also withdrawn a sizable amount of cash (15%) out of my
    bank (with some raised eyebrows and questions about what I want it for) to
    keep at home in case of a SHTF event. I would like to ask the opinion of
    yourself, or your knowledgeable followers, about my dilemma if I may.
    My pensions/financial advisor has suggested I invest another 25% into a
    bond (with the U.K’s Prudential – one of the biggest and oldest insurance
    companies) paying out around 4% and tells me I can cash in when I want. I
    am attracted because rates are so low and this cannot be touched to help
    cover care costs if I/we have to go into residential care in the future.
    This is also why I have squirreled away part of my families inheritance to
    avoid them loosing everything in that scenario. Care costs can exceed
    I got bitten to the tune of several £1000 when I was advised by my bank to
    take out 2 large bonds just pre-2008 crash, even though I asked for minimum
    risk, so I am reluctant. He says the risk is very widely spread so not to
    worry but surely, bonds are all based on the stock market performance so
    could be wiped out virtually overnight?
    At 68, I am too old to invest in property to let (rent), don’t need the
    stress and yet know nothing of investing in diamonds, antiques, art, wine,
    etc, so options are limited other than more P.M’s. We do own our own house.
    It seems I cannot open a bank account overseas, eg, in India, where
    interest rates are higher as I have no connections.
    Any suggestions, anyone, on how to diversify more?

  2. Greg, re: stock buybacks. I understand that insiders would want to drive
    up valuations that come as a result of buybacks and how that would benefit
    shareholders short-term, but what about long-term? Surely smart money must
    understand the lack of fundamentals and the toppy (if not outright bubbly)
    nature of the equity markets and that there MUST be a correction at some
    point. Is this ALL short-term thinking, being pennywise and pound foolish?
    What is the long-term insider logic for initiating buybacks?

  3. “FORD FEB. U.S. LIGHT-VEHICLE SALES FALL 2.0%, EST. UP 5.8% (miss!). Worst
    Still – US Domestic Vehicle Sales Worst Start To The Year Since 2010. Of
    course, the real blame – as we will be told – is the weather… It seems
    Obama’s new American Dream of a brand new Ford or GM (or Maserati) in every
    driveway may be another broken promise.”ZH

  4. If they don’t get a major event soon, they’ll create one! Glad to see your
    back on your channel and not over on Greg Hunters. That guy Hunter blocks
    comments, he is jealous of you Mannarino, he rides on your coattail. Hunter
    pushes that cnn story that he worked over there as if it gives him
    credentials or some kind of clout. huh! 

  5. Greg five things keep this market rolling, 1. Corp repurchases, 2. Fed
    Reserve, 3. No alternatives with returns for pension funds, 4. Technical
    momentum 5. Plunge protection… outside of those…. tank city

  6. The way I hear it, the Middle East is ready to become a tinder box as early
    as next week. This will also take the markets down.

  7. ill with the flu? REST ! & more rest + lots of fluids & be mindful that it
    doesn’t go to your lungs. you need lots of resting. 

  8. The Markets will be pumped to the moon. We are in a crash proof world of
    illusions. 17 trillion of printed money is beyond even the imagination of
    Gregory Mannarino. They have enough $ to buy up all the assets they need to
    to keep the ponzi going. Its asset bubbles from here on in guys. No real
    economy anymore. After the money printing stops,they still have more cards
    to play. The raising of interest rates will call all the US$ home and all
    that money coming home will inflate the assets even more. “They cant raise
    rates, that would kill the economy” really that thing is dead. Besides what
    do they care if the masses suffer. By then we will be maxed in debt with
    nothing left to suck us dry. During the years prior to the great depression
    80% of the population were playing in the stock market. Folks were going
    more and more in debt to get in on the action. There were no more jobs but
    there was still the stock market. The plug wont get pulled until this is
    happening. The past may not repeat but it sure echos.When the guy shining
    your shoes tells you about a stock you should look at that’s when you need
    to run for the hills but not before then.

  9. Keep Going Foward, my Dear Brother And Dear Friend, Mr. Mannarino. Please,
    Continue, To “Get” The Truth Out, To All..And Continue, Your Admirable Job,
    Of Helping To Save Families And Individual, Lives. May ALMIGHTY GOD,
    Continue To Be With You, Sir, Your Family And All Your Endeavors. Amen.

  10. Greg, if we as the people had a choice of either China being in control of
    the new World Reserve Currency, or world government being in control of it,
    which would be the better choice?

  11. Target just announced more layoffs? Really.. ? American Express cutting
    4000 this year?.. Cause the economy is just so darned robust.. right?
    1) Target to cut thousands of jobs in restructuring
    Fred Imbert |@foimbert
    16 Mins Ago (3/3/2015)

    2) Jan. 21, 2015 9:00 p.m. ET
    American Express Co. said it would eliminate 4,000 jobs later this year,
    but the company’s cost cutting isn’t moving fast enough for some investors.
    The New York credit-card firm is struggling to meet revenue targets

  12. Thank You for Your Continued Information & Caring! I remember, even as a
    Child, I wondered about the constant printing of the Dollar bills, that it
    didn’t make sense…. and when I questioned it, I was just told “Well,
    that’s just the way it is” ! I had to Learn all of this on My Own, and
    We’ve actually been warned of all of this for 75 years or more, right!? And
    yes, now it’s getting closer to this collapse! We just Need to Stay Strong
    Safe & Smart+

  13. Well said Greg ! Everything is piecemeal together, temporarily….nothing
    is solid or being built with long term planning. It’s like they’re waiting
    on something to happen before the “next expected move can unfold “..!?
    It’s the “Reality Shows of ALL Reality Shows” ! lol !! 

  14. I’d hate to be a millenial who just started working and will be putting
    money into the market via a 401k in a period where it is at an all time
    record high.

  15. 3/4/15 Yes it’s Purim!
    Iran has rejected the P5+1 offer to a 10-year pause in nuclear activity.
    Is it possible that this could be reduced to seven years and then confirmed
    by the p5+1 (Daniel 9:27)? 


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