The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve, and informally as the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created .
The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve, and informally as the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created .
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Joining us today to discuss the new film: Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve, is the director/producer/writer: Jim Bruce. MONEY FOR NOTHING
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@17:15″It wasn’t that the FED deliberately created the Great Depression,
they desperately wanted to fix what was going on, they just had the wrong
diagnosis”. Well whether you believe that statement or not (I don’t
believe it, because it allowed the big banks to scoop up farms & businesses
for pennies on the dollar as the economy collapsed… enriching the top
bankers greatly), the fact is the FED both created the bubble that popped &
then mishandled the collapse. Americans suffered because even if the FED
wasn’t corrupt (as I believe they are), they are incompetent!! Only the
“Invisible Hand of the Free Market” knows what’s best & the FED won’t allow
the “Invisible Hand” to do its work properly. We desperately need to end
the FED, although it now looks like we are too late & both the US Dollar &
the global economy will likely collapse before the FED is ended and the US
Dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency.
The Federal Reserve System is rather simple, although they try to make it
appear mysterious. They allow provate banks to create counterfeit money to
buy bonds and to the lend to the consumer. Even its effect are well
documented for 200 years….there is no mystery about easy credit in a debt
based system the bankers created.
Certain private insider international banks created the Federal Reserve.
It is important to note that the purpose of its creation is NOT so that
the Federal Reserve makes a profit BUT that those private insider
international banks make ample profit, even at the expense of the public.
These private insider international banks issue counterfeit ledger/digital
money ex niholo. If they issue too much credit the system collapses
because there is not enough time for the circulation of money to pay back
the principal plus the itnerest. For three centuries they have been
issuing easy counterfeit credit followed, by a credit crunch. Too much
credit caused the inability to payback the interest and the principal
causing the inevitable bankruptcies, forclosures and unemployment. IF you
know for certain that certain actions cause a recession or depression then
I will contend that it is criminal for them to keep repeating the “easy
credit and stop credit” aka the up and down business cycles. Therefore I
will call these manipulators of counterfeit criminals.
Now what happen to these people that have all the money and material
possessions they want? They want power, absolute power and world conquest.
To that end there are assassinations, false flag operations. Most of the
Federal Income Tax goes to them because these banks buy the treasury bonds
from money created out of nothing and then we have to use our labor to
produce the transferable digital blips. The only thing real about this
digital chase is our labor.
It is laughable to believe that the 2008 burst was unforeseen and
unpredictable. It was set in motion in the 90’s and accelerated after nine
These banks are no longer practicing fractional reserve lending, they are
simply flat our creating money with each new approved loan application. If
we workers have to work for money, but the bankers can create the money out
of thin air how long do you think it is going to take before they control
the government, write their own law and own everything