Glenn Beck discuss the Fed w/ G. Edward Griffin about his book The Creature from Jekyll Island

The Creature from Jekyll Island Book by G. Edward Griffin click here: ~For more books discussed by Glenn Beck go to: http:…

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  1. Great interview. Whether we end the Fed or not the system they created will
    collapse one way or another and one can only hope people will learn it was
    this banking cartel that is the root cause of govt corruption and to never
    create another central bank ever again.

  2. A lot of talk about abolishing the FED, but not any about what we replace
    it with. Without addressing that, what is the point? I refer you to Bill
    Still if you want the answer.

  3. I’ve been saying this for ages, I’ve tried to tell people they look at me
    as if nuts, but sometimes truth is scarier. The one thing I don’t get is
    how a staunch conservative or libertarian can scream and yell about need
    for deregulation when this is exactly what you end up with. Big business,
    totally unregulated controlling the gov. and exploiting American people.
    One guy even told me its a socialist institution, WHAT? Well we see this
    kind of influence with our food, pharma, energy all of it.

  4. Thanks, Glenn! Mr. Griffin’s explanation of how this started really shines
    a light on this. My grandparents, who lived thru the Great Depression of
    1929, taught me a lot about the FED; Grandpa hated it!

  5. The supposed logic that drives “booms and busts” are the economic forces of
    supply and demand running aground on the entropic forces of human error and
    impropriety. A company should supply a demand, therefore make money. If
    investors in said company evaluate it properly, they’ll invest in it as
    long as it has value, not longer. If competition defeats that company, it
    was a poorer investment, obviously. If the game is rigged to begin with,
    nothing is solved by letting the cheaters run the game


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