Is Cannabis Weed Oil a Miracle Drug?

follow Luke on In this short documentary, Luke Rudkowski investigates medical cannabis oil use in Holland and the laws su…

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  1. 1 thing i dont get. Now all of the sudden everyone is obsessed with CBDs.
    Ok i get that. But what is this “so we dont have to get high” crap? Even
    the dude “pot father” guy was saying that. Then says “50% of getting
    better is how a patient feels.” That modern medicine “treats people like a
    car.” But if THC is the psychoactive in the plant why are avoiding that
    when it most readily affects how we feel? So even people in the industry,
    IMO, are pandering to these retarded people by saying they can remove the
    THC. But to my perception that is the most affective part of the plant.

    So even one of the guys on the leading edge of the entire industry is
    pandering and giving example that maybe THC is negative and CBDs are the
    best because they dont get you high. They are damaging the reputation of
    THC. When not enough research has been done(or at least that ive been able
    to find) has shown that CBDs are jesus and THC is the devil. So i dont
    really like how they are kinda slandering THC sorta passive aggressively.
    Whos to say the high does not also possess positive medical affect. When i
    already know for sure that it has a positive mental effect on ones
    perceptions and awareness. Why are we trying to subtract that out? We got
    tons of uptight assholes who need a lil high.

    If they have chronic yada yada yada, id be happy if they had to get high to
    cure it. Tehy can cure themselves physically with CBDs and mentally with
    THC. Forget removing it.

    My back is hurt and i need “medicine” that may be in teh form of CBDs. But
    fuck you i like getting high too. Not your godamn business. Dont pander
    to people, if they are too stupid or scared to discover new things then
    thats their problem. 

  2. the high effect is the medicinal effect…-_- when these pill poppers take
    there ”meds” lol they make them high…..same goes for weed….these is
    just an excuse for them to try make there own oil or pills and make
    profit….fuck government and anyone else who thinks they can control

  3. The United States government would rather see its people incarcerated or
    dead rather than compromise the interests of big-business,this alone is
    what the drug war is actually about,not saving people from themselves,wake
    up America you are not free!!!!!

  4. Gouvernement plz just stop acting childish and just legalize it…i dnt
    even know why it’s illegal i bet they dnt even have good reasons

  5. Most people’s fat fucking asses abuse cheeseburgers on a daily basis. Let’s
    outlaw cheeseburgers. If pot makes you do heroin, or anything of that sort,
    you were fucked and irresponsible to begin with. Don’t be a cunt. Cannabis
    is a proven medicine in many manners. But you go ahead and pump yourself
    full of antidepressants, morphine, alcohol, tobacco, heavy pain killers,
    aspirin and every other drug in your fucking medicine cabinet. You’re an
    ignorant, hypocrite, rotted-cunt fucking, scum bag, burden on society
    sitting there talking about weed as a drug when you probably just popped 3
    painkillers and downed half of a bottle of Nyquil. You don’t know shit
    about the substance so go educate yourself you closet lurking addicted
    piece of shit.


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