Please help support us and check out all my novels at How did a Gadsden Flag end up on the Jekyll Island club house. See the pictures …
This is the problem with the so called "ron paul/liberty" movement, they
are content with the state governments having more power than the federal
government. How is giving more power to the state government, freedom? It
isn't. When Ron Paul and his supporters start talking about individual
freedom, and forget the 10th amendment and the fallacy of "state's rights"
then I'll take them seriously.
How ironic……flower power 40 years ago , infiltrated everything to get
their communist/marxist ideologies mainstream,now the children of the 60's
are fighting hard to bring Liberty back and restore the Constitution. KEEP
Thats my friends that put the flag up. one person distracted the security
while they did it….unfortunately I couldn't make it down there for the
event. They gave the flag to G. Edward Griffin….
Thanks, I never noticed that I said Cristina, damm my brain and tongue
don't match sometimes. As far as how to say her name, I asked her before we
started how do you say it correctly and that is what she told me.
@mizutofu No, giving control to any government, whether local or federal,
isn't a good thing or great thing. The fallacy of "states rights" could
entail an all powerful state local government that could trample on our
liberties. As of now, the biggest violator of property rights are state and
local governments, under the doctrine of eminent domain and "general police
powers". We need real limited government that means not only at the federal
level but at the state level.
Did anyone hear about Catherine Bleish?Well, if you took the
pretentiousness of a trendy liberal,and the indirect racism of the
teapartyer,then that is her complete creation.I hate how she is even
considered slightly prolific,because she's a winy bitch that like's small
government but drinks wheat grass tea.We get it,you're on the far
rig…ht,but dig conspiracy theories while holding an American flag. You
can't create heroes GOP
Hear that folks? Catherine, a Missouri native said Mizur E. Not Mizur AH as
Terry said. Being a Missouri native myself (Kansas City) I've never
understood why everyone not from there insists that 'we' say it ah, not e.
why was alex being an ass to her at that one rally? (GUN SHOW RALLY) she is
in the same movie as him he is selling on his site- CAMP FEMA?? HE SAID SHE
@Doc418 isn't giving locals more control over their own government better?
People living in the community having more control over the governance of
the community, rather than obeythe central government.
I think I am in love. She is awesome. Anyone have her number?
This is the problem with the so called "ron paul/liberty" movement, they
are content with the state governments having more power than the federal
government. How is giving more power to the state government, freedom? It
isn't. When Ron Paul and his supporters start talking about individual
freedom, and forget the 10th amendment and the fallacy of "state's rights"
then I'll take them seriously.
How ironic……flower power 40 years ago , infiltrated everything to get
their communist/marxist ideologies mainstream,now the children of the 60's
are fighting hard to bring Liberty back and restore the Constitution. KEEP
Thats my friends that put the flag up. one person distracted the security
while they did it….unfortunately I couldn't make it down there for the
event. They gave the flag to G. Edward Griffin….
I'm "Fed Up!" Write your message on U.S. Currency.
All kidding aside, this girl has her act together. We need more like her. I
am still going to get her number before you.. LOL.
Catherine Bleish is my hero..
mizzura–dumb fuck–wrong on gadsen flag as well
She is awesome!!!
Thanks, I never noticed that I said Cristina, damm my brain and tongue
don't match sometimes. As far as how to say her name, I asked her before we
started how do you say it correctly and that is what she told me.
Iraq veterans lost the war??? thats a pretty shitty thing to advertise. Our
politically correct government lost the war!
That's right, the internet must remain organic, and not be sold to or
controlled by anyone.
Much respect.
Internet freedom at threat watch?v=PjNbaiHHIo4
i love this gal !!!!
this only has 3500 reproductions somthing is realy wrong an ms Bleich is
That's my painting in the beginning of the vid, yay!
@mizutofu No, giving control to any government, whether local or federal,
isn't a good thing or great thing. The fallacy of "states rights" could
entail an all powerful state local government that could trample on our
liberties. As of now, the biggest violator of property rights are state and
local governments, under the doctrine of eminent domain and "general police
powers". We need real limited government that means not only at the federal
level but at the state level.
Did anyone hear about Catherine Bleish?Well, if you took the
pretentiousness of a trendy liberal,and the indirect racism of the
teapartyer,then that is her complete creation.I hate how she is even
considered slightly prolific,because she's a winy bitch that like's small
government but drinks wheat grass tea.We get it,you're on the far
rig…ht,but dig conspiracy theories while holding an American flag. You
can't create heroes GOP
4:03 I carried that banner at this year's KC End the Fed Rally! =P Jealous?
(Me and another soon-to-be-anarcho-capitalist) =D ~An-Cap
Catherine not Christina and BLIESH emphasis on the long I. No A sound. 🙂
Why only NH? Is it possible to choose a west coast state and a mid west
Hear that folks? Catherine, a Missouri native said Mizur E. Not Mizur AH as
Terry said. Being a Missouri native myself (Kansas City) I've never
understood why everyone not from there insists that 'we' say it ah, not e.
Maybee the next big false flag attack will be against the internet? Looks
like they will have to end or severely modify it
why was alex being an ass to her at that one rally? (GUN SHOW RALLY) she is
in the same movie as him he is selling on his site- CAMP FEMA?? HE SAID SHE
The banner I believe you refer to says "Iraq Veterans Against the War".
Hey I saw her first!!! lol only kidding… but I agree though
@Doc418 isn't giving locals more control over their own government better?
People living in the community having more control over the governance of
the community, rather than obeythe central government.
Was she in "Camp Fema"?