All these people were breaking Federal law by being within 50 yards of the
dolphins and feeding them. You altered their natural behavior. They now
will go to boats to feed and be maimed or killed by boats and stupid
humans. Dolphins are Predators not scavengers. They need to be respected.
BTW: they CAN and WILL bite and carry diseases which can be transmitted to
human. (Humans are the ones giving them the diseases). You are causing
irreparable harm to these wonderful wild animals. STOP!
All these people were breaking Federal law by being within 50 yards of the
dolphins and feeding them. You altered their natural behavior. They now
will go to boats to feed and be maimed or killed by boats and stupid
humans. Dolphins are Predators not scavengers. They need to be respected.
BTW: they CAN and WILL bite and carry diseases which can be transmitted to
human. (Humans are the ones giving them the diseases). You are causing
irreparable harm to these wonderful wild animals. STOP!
Totally illegal, but almost irresistible. Let he who is without sin cast
the first net.