Titanic “illuminati” Jekyll Island Conspiracy!

Do you people not see the pattern to their agenda yet? Secret meetings, mysterious “impossible” events, than like magic they get what they want. This was all…

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8 Comments - Write a Comment

  1. Wow, I actually put some of these facts together before I watch this video. Therefore, I tend to believe that it is a pretty accurate hypothesis.

  2. Even the claim of a fake black smudge in the Naudet 9/11 footage is debunked, Jim’ Huibrogdste’s footage shows it is smoke that disappeared, & arguments against his & Naudet’s footage are debunked by camera rapidly shifting, time, the angle of the falling man’s body, & the fact hat he’s basically swimming through air. Please tell me you’ll spread what I’ve told you.
    conspiracies[dot]skepticprojec­t[dot]com/articles/zeitgeist/p­art-three/ rationalwiki[dot]org/wiki/List_of_conspiracy_theories

  3. You'll probably accuse me of being a Mossad agent spreading disinformation, but have an open mind. Look up 9/11 conspiracy theories debunked, zeitgeist part 3 debunked, kennedy secret society speech debunked, boston bombing conspiracy theories debunked, sandy hook conspiracy theories debunked, & the 21 1-star reviews of the book "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" on amazon.


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