4409 — Phoenix goes to Jekyll Island

We’re heading down to Jekyll Island but before we do Ernie has a few things to tell the people! http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Feature-Article.htm?Info=00575…

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  1. …..I don;t believe ANYTHING the History Channel puts on the tube. They may be correct on that issue but the rest of their bullshit is false propaganda..

  2. you should watch the History Channel's latest piece called Decoded where they investigate the symbolism of the Statue of Liberty & it's flame, & they conclude that it represent Lucifer, but in a "good" way. Plus they found out that the makers of the Statue of Liberty were Masons & that the statue was first was a gift for Egypt but they declined.

  3. BTW, that phoenex symbol is the problem of many wars..were many civilians have been slaughtered for it I wonder how many of you know this?

  4. "I am not of the opinion that we need to unify under one banner." I agree. Too many people are failing to unite in this country because they disagree on the smallest little things.

    Very good idea, an option of a vote of no confidence. How great would it be if the American people could vote "none of the above."

  5. There IS a false dilemma set up, an unavoidable either/or proposition, without the option to say neither one is good, so back to the drawing board. For example, there was NO choice in the last election; the policies of those the media falsely legiitmized were all the same: For all his meaningless "change" psychobabble, Obama didn't present a platform discernibly different from Rooster McCain. Seeing that the personalities were different, but the program was the same, made me wake up.

  6. You don't represent me that is for sure you removed my comment from before and though frank and honest it was nothing to fear… So what is going on anyway…?

  7. Great statements, Mr. Hancock, and good to see after all these years you still Declaring YOUR Independence (like back on the web radio show… archives still around, Ernie?)

    I want to be left alone, and others don't want to leave me alone. I know "which one" I am…

  8. ha ha ya well the brits probably own our banking system too.

    No taxation without representation by means of inflation! …hmm maybe not as catchy

    How's about this? "If you're not American, go home! "

  9. WellSightedGentleman · Edit

    by australia..? um dont think so unless rupert murdock owns australia

    lol maybe he does.
    but he sure as hell doesnt pay his f**ken taxes..
    id be in jail for life if i owed the tax department 1/10 as much as he does
    but doesnt own me.

  10. Shouldn't the main objective be to decentralize our media? Fox, for example had to get fed approval to be able to run their network, because its own by australia.

    Anyways getting media and debate reform should be job one.

  11. Jekyll Island is where the plan to take over america through banking and media control took place. If you research what happened there, you will know exactly why America is the way it is and when the Matrix was formed around us. Just google it. There are tons of articles about it online.

  12. I try to stay as informed as possible but I myself have no idea who the man in this video is, what hes talking about and where or what this Jekyl Island thing is..

    He kind of started in the middle of a sentence not even telling anyone what he was referring to.

    Sorry for my ignorance but could somebody enlighten me?

  13. All good points. The resistance is as diverse and unique as the people who make up this resistance. Also, keeps the 'bad guys' off balance!

    Have fun and be safe!

  14. thumbs up. lol. it is so messed up we dont have the opout or vote of no confidence. I get no representation because most of the time i dont want to vote for the options that are there. our gov is jacked up!

  15. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes, and also to find out more of the "Continental Congress" he mentioned. It certainly is time for it!

  16. He is so right about the twin choice option system with no op out option & that the declaration & the constitution were 2 separate events meaning the declaration was independence the constitution is the fed intervention of the declaration which is after all what the forefathers really thought for i think gaining independence was only the first battle the real war is in keeping it.

  17. 3:50 – real talk. Were not free, sadly.

    I always want an option “none of the above”
    In fact, I would definitely like to have a “fill in the ______”

    Good work as always. Damn is there a movement in FL? I appreciate your voice for the people..


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